„Droga do euro – najważniejsze pytania i odpowiedzi” (scenariusz zajęć edukacyjnych)


  • Iwona Szypuła II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. M. Konopnickiej w Nowym Sączu



Słowa kluczowe:

droga do euro, scenariusz zajęć edukacyjnych


The lecture is a presentation of the scenario of 2hour Entrepreneurship lessons conducted in the first grade of high school. During the lesson students obtained answers to the most important questions regarding the changeover to the Euro in Poland. To introduce the topic and encourage the students a survey was performed to estimate how many among them are in favor of a rapid introduction of the Euro, how many would like to delay this moment and lastly, how many of them are definitively opposed to the idea of the changeover. The results of the first survey (12 - in favor; 13 - delay; 5 - opposed) and then at the end of the class (24 - in favor; 5 - delay; 1 - opposed) clearly indicate that extending knowledge about the Euro has a great influence on how Polish citizens feel about its introduction in the country.Watching 5 educational movies from „Basic Economical Notions” a series made by NBP in Warsaw was a very important part of the class. The films clarified 5 of the most important issues related to the changeover to the Euro for students.1. Why should the Euro be introduced?2. What are the criteria for admittance to the Eurozone?3. What will the changeover be like?4. Will prices rise after the changeover?5. What do Euro coins and banknotes look like?The class was conducted in a laboratory equipped with a computer, screen and multimedia projector.


Czogała A., Wprowadzenie banknotów i monet euro do obiegu w 2002 r., http://www.nbportal.pl/pl/np/euro/infopodst/historia_integracji/wprowadzenie­euro­2002/wprowadzenie­banknotow­i­monet­­euro­2002­1 (data odczytu 20 V 2009)

Duszczyk M., 5 lat w Unii Europejskiej, http://www.rcie.bialystok.pl/dokumenty/broszura.pdf, (data odczytu: 20.05.2009)




Jak cytować

Szypuła, I. (2010). „Droga do euro – najważniejsze pytania i odpowiedzi” (scenariusz zajęć edukacyjnych). Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 6, 518–523. https://doi.org/10.24917/20833296.6.41